Sunday, April 15, 2012

North Korea Missle

In this political cartoon it shows the North Korean long range missile and the word long crossed out and replaced with the word short. The person next to it then calls it a success which means that he was trying to cover up the fact that their test was a compete failure.

Unemployed Mothers

In this political cartoon Obama is sitting in his office chair giving a speech about how he has nothing against stay at home mothers while at the same time he has created a lot of them due to his unemployment rate. This is basically saying everything in the cartoon. It is suppose to target the fact that his unemployment rate is really high and women all over the country are being laid off.

Women Voters

In this political cartoon there is Barack Obama and Mitt Romney pulling the Statue of Liberty which represents the women's votes. Each candidate recently has been fighting hard to try and receive the votes of women in our country. They believe women hold a lot of power in the voting for the upcoming election.

Monitoring Romney

In the political cartoon the republicans are in the car while Romney, who is portrayed as a dog, is on the roof of the car rambling on about his believe which are representing the barks of a dog. One of the republicans then says that when they get to where they are going they will put a muzzle on him. They basically want him to keep quiet and stop talking so much because he could get himself into trouble.

Mitt in The Race

In this political cartoon it shows Mitt Romney receiving a call from a man in the shadows. This person say that Romney might as well drop out like and follow Santorum. Mitt then goes on the say that he knows Newt is calling because he has caller ID. The republicans are trying to get him out of the race as soon as possible before it hurts all of them.

Santorum Done

In this political cartoon it shows Santorum hanging off of a cliff with a tricycle hanging off as well. This is showing that he is still a kid and had no shot in this race going up against the big boys. The words that come from the cartoon character says that he has suspended his campaign which is funny because he is suspending from a branch.

The Terrible Economy

This political cartoon is trying to make fun of the fact that the debt in this country is so terrible that if Newt Gingrich were to get back into the race and receive all of the votes from the bankrupt people in the country he could possibly win the election.

Romeny and Ryan

In this political cartoon there are two men, Romney and Ryan, that are complementing each other. This cartoon is supposed to symbolize how they are both basically brown nosing each other in order to gain the others support.

Obama vs Supreme Court

In this political cartoon it shows Obama going up to a test your strength carnival game. He is depicted as a very scrawny man with a small hammer while right behind him is a huge person representing the Supreme Court with a huge hammer. This is supposed to symbolize Obama have little to no power while the Supreme Court has all of the Power.

Romney and The Republicans

In this political cartoon it shows Romney and an elephant which represents the republican party about to get married when Romney says I do the elephant backs out the wedding which is supposed to symbolize how even his own party believes he is not going to make it in this election.

Working Against Romney

In the following image the viewer can see the cartoon versions of Santorum, Paul, and Gingrich in the cock pit of the plane while Romney is locked out. This is just saying that all the republican candidates are working against Romney because he is the biggest threat.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gas Prices Against Obama

In the political cartoon Obama is driving in a car past a host of candidate signs and also a gas station where the price for gas is extremely high. There is a text above the car of Obama which is supposed to be Obama's thoughts. The text says that the gas price sign is really the only one of the signs that can hurt him. He is basically referring to the upcoming election and how he is does not see the candidates as much of a threat but the high gas price could be something that could actually affect how much support he receives.